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How to Make a Spot the Difference Game in Powerpoint TUTORIAL

How to Make a Spot the Difference Game in Powerpoint

I like to call up of Microsoft PowerPoint as a test of basic marketing skills. To create a passing presentation, I need to demonstrate blueprint skills, technical literacy, and a sense of personal style.

If the presentation has a problem (similar an unintended font, a cleaved link, or unreadable text), and so I've probably failed the test. → Free Download: 4 PowerPoint Presentation Templates [Access Now]

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Even if my spoken presentation is well rehearsed, a bad visual experience can ruin it for the audience.

Expertise means cipher without a skilful presentation to dorsum information technology up. For starters, grab your drove of free PowerPoint templates below, and use the tips that follow to perfect your next presentation.

No matter your topic, successful PowerPoints depend on three main factors: your control of PowerPoint's design tools, your attention to presentation processes, and your devotion to consequent style. Here are some unproblematic tips to help you start mastering each of those factors, and don't forget to check out the additional resources at the bottom of this mail.

How to Brand a PowerPoint Presentation

A presentation is made up of multiple slides, and now that you know how to brand one, you can delve deeper into PowerPoint's capabilities.

1. Open a blank presentation again or commencement from i y'all've already created.

If you've already created a presentation, double click the icon to open the existing file. Otherwise, open Microsoft PowerPoint, click "File" in the top left corner, and click "New Presentation." From there, you can follow the prompts to set up a new presentation.

two. Choose a "theme" or create your own.

Microsoft offers congenital-in themes and colour variations to help you design your slides with a cohesive wait. To choose from these pre-congenital themes, choose the "File" tab again, select "New", cull i of the options, and click "Create."

Otherwise, yous can employ PowerPoint elements, your design sense, and your make's colour palette to brand your own "theme."

3. Create a diversity of slides for different purposes.

You don't want to present the same exact slide, just with different content on it. This would diameter your audience. Ensure that y'all create multiple variations, accommodating some of the mutual uses for slides. At minimum, you'll need:

  • A title slide
  • An agenda or tabular array of contents slide
  • A slide that introduces the speaker
  • Various content slides (create dissimilar layouts because what kind of multimedia yous'll employ)

4. Utilize the Duplicate Slides feature to relieve you time.

At that place's no reason to create these designs over and over again. Now that yous have a few to describe from, you lot tin simply duplicate them before inputting your content. Here's how to do that:

  1. On the left pane, right click the thumbnail of the slide y'all want to duplicate.
  2. Choose "Indistinguishable Slide" from the popular-upwardly menu.

This will automatically add a copy of this slide to the presentation. From there, you lot tin customize it for your needs.

5. Add transitions to your slides (optional).

Done well, transitions tin add together a piddling chip of movement and showmanship to your presentation. PowerPoint has several transitions congenital in for yous to choose from.

To access them, select the "Transitions" tab from the height ribbon. From in that location, you tin select a transition for it to preview on your screen. To customize it further, click "Effect Options" and play with the features to find something that suits your liking. To remove a transition, select "Transitions" and click "None."

6. Add together animations to your slides (optional).

Like transitions, animations tin add motion, reveal data, and aid you lot underscore the points you want to hit during your speech communication. To breathing an element, follow these steps:

  1. Select the chemical element you want animated past clicking on it.
  2. Choose "Animations" from the top ribbon.
  3. Yous'll have the option to choose from several effects displayed in the ribbon.
  4. Clicking on one will give you a preview.
  5. To customize the animation, select "Effect Options."
  6. To remove an animation, click "None" in the ribbon.

Some of the ways to customize animations include:

  • On Click
  • With Previous
  • After Previous
  • Duration
  • Filibuster

These describe how you want the effect to conduct, and then play around with them until you notice an effect that suits your liking.

You'll also have the option to move animations around as yous edit your slides with the "Reorder Animation" function in the top ribbon.

vii. Save your presentation.

Click "File" and "Save", making sure to specify which folder or destination you lot want your PowerPoint to be stored.

viii. Run your presentation.

It'due south e'er skilful to exercise a trial run to ensure that your slides are ready upwardly properly and your animations burn down they way you expect them to.

To present your PowerPoint, go to the "Slide Prove" tab and click "Play from Start". The slide volition cover your whole screen, blocking out your desktop and PowerPoint software. This is and then your audience (in this instance, you for the trial run) is solely focused on the visual elements of your presentation.

9. Advance the slides.

When yous're done with one slide and want to testify the next in your sequence, click your mouse in presentation manner. This volition advance the slide.

PowerPoint Style

1. Don't permit PowerPoint determine how you utilize PowerPoint.

Microsoft wanted to provide PowerPoint users with a lot of tools. But this does not mean y'all should use them all. Here are some key things to look out for:

  • Make certain that preset PPT themes complement your needs before yous adopt them.
  • Try to get abroad from using Microsoft Office's default fonts, Calibri and Cambria. Using these two typefaces can make the presentation seem underwhelming.
  • Professionals should never use PPT'due south action sounds. (Please consider your audition above personal preference).
  • PowerPoint makes bulleting automatic, but enquire yourself: Are bullets actually appropriate for what you lot need to do? Sometimes they are, but non always.
  • Recent PPT defaults include a modest shadow on all shapes. Remove this shadow if it'south non really needed. Too, don't leave shapes in their default blueish.

2. Create custom slide sizes.

While yous unremarkably tin can get away with the default slide size for near presentations, yous may need to arrange it for larger presentations on weirdly sized displays. If you need to do that, here'south how.

  • In the top-left corner, choose "File."
  • Select "Page Setup."
  • Type the tiptop and width of the groundwork you'd like, and click "OK."
  • A dialogue box will appear. Click "OK" again.
  • Your groundwork is resized!

Tip: Resize your slides before you add together any objects to them or the dimensions of your objects volition become skewed.

changing the size of the background in powerpoint

3. Edit your slide template design.

Often, it'south much easier to edit your PowerPoint template earlier you lot beginning -- this way, you don't have pattern each slide by hand. Here's how you lot do that.

  • Select "Themes" in the pinnacle navigation.
  • In the far right, click "Edit Principal," so "Slide Master."
  • Brand whatever changes you like, then click "Close Master." All current and hereafter slides in that presentation will use that template.

changing the master title slide in powerpoint

four. Write text with your audience in mind.

A significant function of a PowerPoint'due south content is text. Great copy can make or suspension your presentation, and so evaluating your written work from a few different angles could brand you seem more than persuasive. Thinking about how your text is received differentiates good presenters from the best.


Many people underestimate the influence of typeface, but choosing the right font is important -- the perception of your font type could influence your audience'south impression of yous. The right font is an opportunity to convey consistent make personality and professionalism.

Some fonts are seen as make clean and professional, merely this doesn't mean they're boring. A common mistake is thinking your font isn't "exciting" enough, which could lead you to choose a font that distracts from your overall message.

Examples of fonts for PowerPoint Source: Workfront

That said, you can still use fun and eccentric fonts -- in moderation. Offsetting a fun font or large letters with something more professional can create an engaging presentation. To a higher place all, be sure you're consequent so your presentation looks the same throughout each slide, so your audience doesn't get distracted by too many disparate fonts.

Example PowerPoint slide layouts Source: Design Shack

5. Make certain all of your objects are properly aligned.

Having properly aligned objects on your slide is the key to making information technology look polished and professional. You can manually endeavour to line up your images ... but we all know how that typically works out. You're trying to make sure all of your objects hang out in the middle of your slide, only when you drag them there, it still doesn't look quite correct. Get rid of your guessing game and let PowerPoint work its magic with this trick.

How to align multiple objects:
  • Select all objects by holding down "Shift" and clicking on all of them.
  • Select "Arrange" in the top options bar, then choose "Align or Distribute."
  • Cull the type of alignment you'd similar.

Aligning objects in PowerPoint

How to marshal objects to the slide:
  • Select all objects by holding downwardly "Shift" and clicking on all of them.
  • Select "Arrange" in the peak options bar, then choose "Align or Distribute."
  • Select "Align to Slide."
  • Select "Suit" in the top options bar again, then choose "Align or Distribute."
  • Choose the type of alignment you'd like.

Aligning objects in PowerPoint

PowerPoint Design

6. Utilize "Format Menus" to improve control your objects' designs.

Format menus permit y'all to do fine adjustments that otherwise seem impossible. To do this, right click on an object and select the "Format" selection. Here, you tin can fine-tune shadows, adjust shape measurements, create reflections, and much more. The carte that will pop upwardly looks like this:

format shape menu in powerpoint

Although the main options can be constitute on PowerPoint's format toolbars, look for consummate control in the format window card. Other examples of options available include:

  • Adjusting text inside a shape.
  • Creating a natural perspective shadow behind an object.
  • Recoloring photos manually and with automated options.

seven. Have reward of PowerPoint'southward shapes.

Many users don't realize how flexible PowerPoint'south shape tools have get. In combination with the expanded format options released past Microsoft in 2010, the potential for expert design with shapes is readily available. PowerPoint provides the user with a bunch of great shape options across the traditional rectangle, oval, and rounded rectangle patterns, unlike fifty-fifty professional design programs similar Adobe Creative Suite or Quark.

Today's shapes include a highly functional Smart Shapes role, which enables you to create diagrams and flow charts in no fourth dimension. These tools are specially valuable when you consider that PowerPoint is a visual medium. Paragraphing and bullet lists are irksome -- you can use shapes to help express your message more clearly.

eight. Create custom shapes.

When you create a shape, right click and printing "Edit Points." Past editing points, you can create custom shapes that fit your specific need. For instance, you can reshape arrows to fit the dimensions yous like.

edit points in custom shape in powerpoint

Another option is to combine two shapes together. When selecting 2 shapes, right-click and go to the "Grouping" sub-menu to run across a variety of options.

  • Combine creates a custom shape that has overlapping portions of the two previous shapes cutting out.
  • Union makes one completely merged shape.
  • Intersect builds a shape of but the overlapping sections of the two previous shapes.
  • Subtract cuts out the overlapping portion of one shape from the other.
By using these tools rather than trying to edit points precisely, yous can create accurately measured custom shapes.

nine. Crop images into custom shapes.

As well creating custom shapes in your presentation, you lot can also utilise PowerPoint to crop existing images into new shapes. Here's how you do that:

  • Click on the image and select "Format" in the options bar.
  • Cull "Ingather," then "Mask to Shape," and so choose your desired shape. Ta-da! Custom-shaped photos.

Crop to shape feature in powerpoint

Learn more about creating images for your marketing channels in the video below.

10. Present websites within PowerPoint.

Tradition says that if yous want to prove a website in a PowerPoint, you should simply create link to the folio and prompt a browser to open. For PC users, there's a better option.

Third party software that integrates fully into PowerPoint's developer tab tin be used to embed a website directly into your PowerPoint using a normal HTML iframe. One of the all-time tools is LiveWeb, a 3rd-party software developed independently.

By using LiveWeb, you don't have to interrupt your PowerPoint, and your presentation will remain fluid and natural. Whether you embed a whole webpage or just a YouTube video, this tin can be a high-quality third political party comeback.

Unfortunately, Mac users don't have a like option. Agood second choice is to take screen shots of the website, link in through a browser, or embed media (such every bit a YouTube video) by downloading information technology directly to your computer.

eleven. Effort Using GIFs.

GIFs are looped animated images used to communicate a mood, idea, information, and much more. Users add GIFs to Powerpoints to exist funny or quickly demo a process. It'due south easy to add together GIFs to your slides. To do and so, simply follow these steps:

  • Download and salvage the GIF you want.
  • Go to the slide y'all want the GIF on.
  • Go to the "Home" tab, and click either "Insert" or "Picture".
  • From the "Picture" drop-down menu, choose "Picture from File".
  • Navigate to where you lot saved your GIF and select it. Then, choose "Insert".
  • To play the blithe GIF, click the "Slide Show" tab and then "Play from Electric current Slide".

PowerPoint Procedure

12. Continue it uncomplicated.

PowerPoint is an excellent tool to support your presentation with visual information, graphics, and supplemental points. This ways  that your powerpoint should not exist your entire presentation. Your slides -- no matter how creative and beautiful -- shouldn't be the star of the testify. Keep your text and images clear and concise, using them only to supplement your bulletin and authority.

If your slides accept dense and cluttered information, information technology will both distract your audience and get in much more probable that you lot will lose their attention. Zippo in your slides should exist superfluous! Keep your presentation persuasive past keeping it clean. There are a few ways to exercise this:

  • Limit bullet points and text.
  • Avoid paragraphs and long quotes.
  • Maintain "white space" or "negative space".
  • Keep percentages, graphs, and data super basic.

13. Embed your font files.

One constant problem presenters accept with PowerPoint is that fonts seem to change when presenters move from i calculator to another. In reality, the fonts are not irresolute -- the presentation computer just doesn't take the same font files installed. If y'all're using a PC and presenting on a PC, so in that location is a smoothen work effectually for this event. (When you involve Mac systems, the solution is a bit rougher. See Tip #11.)

Here'due south the fob: When you save your PowerPoint file (only on a PC), y'all should click Relieve Options in the "Salvage As …" dialog window. Then, select the "Embed TrueType fonts" check box and printing "OK." At present, your presentation will keep the font file and your fonts will not change when you movement computers (unless you give your presentation on a Mac).

fourteen. Save your slides every bit JPEGs.

In PowerPoint for Mac 2011, in that location is no option to embed fonts within the presentation. And then unless you use ubiquitous typefaces like Arial or Tahoma, your PPT is likely going to encounter font changeson different computers.

The well-nigh certain way of avoiding this is by saving your terminal presentation as JPEGs, and then inserting these JPEGs onto your slides. On a Mac, users can easily drag and drop the JPEGs into PPT with fast load time. If you do not use actions in your presentation, then this selection works specially well.

If you want your presentation to announced "blithe," you'll demand to do a little tinkering. All you demand to practice is save JPEGs of each "frame" of the animation. So, in your last presentation, you'll just brandish those JPEGs in the order y'all'd like the animation to announced. While you lot'll technically accept several new slides in identify of one original one, your audience won't know the departure.

An important consideration: If your PPT includes a lot of JPEGs, then the file size will increase.

xv. Embed multimedia.

PowerPoint allows you lot to either link to video/audio files externally or to embed the media straight in your presentation. Yous should embed these files if you lot can, but if you utilize a Mac, yous cannot really embed the video (see note beneath). For PCs, 2 groovy reasons for embedding are:

  • Embedding allows you to play media directly in your presentation. It will expect much more professional than switching betwixt windows.
  • Embedding also means that the file stays within the PowerPoint presentation, and so it should play normally without actress work (except on a Mac).

Note: Mac Os users of PowerPoint should be extra careful about using multimedia files.

If yous use PowerPoint for Mac, then you volition always need to bring the video and/or audio file with you in the aforementioned folder as the PowerPoint presentation. Information technology's best to only insert video or sound files once the presentation and the containing folder have been saved on a portable drive in their permanent binder. Likewise, if the presentation will be played on a Windows calculator, then Mac users need to make sure their multimedia files are in WMV format. This tip gets a bit complicated, so if you want to use PowerPoint effectively, consider using the same operating system for designing andpresenting, no matter what.

xvi. Bring your own hardware.

Between operating systems, PowerPoint is still a scrap jumpy. Fifty-fifty between differing PPT versions, things tin can change. One way to fix these problems is to make sure that you accept the right hardware -- and then simply bring along your ain laptop when you lot're presenting.

17. Use "Presenter View."

In about presentation situations, there volition be both a presenter's screen and the chief projected display for your presentation. PowerPoint has a peachy tool called Presenter View, which tin exist found in the "Slide Bear witness" tab of PowerPoint 2010 (or 2011 for Mac). Included in the Presenter View is an area for notes, a timer/clock, and a presentation display.

presenter view in powerpoint

For many presenters, this tool can help unify their spoken presentation and their visual assistance. You never want to make the PowerPoint seem like a stack of notes that you use a crutch. Use the Presenter View pick to help create a more natural presentation.

Pro Tip: At the start of the presentation, you should also hit CTRL + H to make the cursor disappear. Hitting the "A" fundamental will bring information technology dorsum if you need it!

With style, pattern, and presentation processes nether your belt, yous can do a lot more than with PowerPoint than but presentations for your clients. PowerPoint and similar slide applications are flexible tools that should non exist forgotten. With a not bad template, yous can be on your mode to creating presentations that wow your audience.

powerpoint slides

Editor'south notation: This mail service was originally published in August 2019 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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Originally published Sep ten, 2020 v:xxx:00 PM, updated August 25 2021


How to Make a Spot the Difference Game in Powerpoint TUTORIAL

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